Green Tara, also known as Khadiravani, is a powerful and benevolent goddess in Tibetan Buddhism. She is a female embodiment of compassion and is often depicted in a green color, which symbolizes her ability to provide protection and nourishment to her devotees. She is known to be the protector of her followers and is invoked to help them overcome fear and overcome the Eight Great Fears: lions (pride), wild elephants (ignorance), fire (anger), snakes (jealousy), bandits (wrong views), bondage (greed), floods (desires), and evil spirits (deluded doubts).
Green Tara is often depicted sitting on a lotus flower and holding a lotus flower in her hand. The lotus flower represents enlightenment and the ability to rise above the mud of suffering and attain a state of purity and perfection. She is also often depicted holding a vase filled with the elixir of immortality, symbolizing her ability to grant longevity and good health to her devotees.
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Collections: All-Over-Print T-Shirts, Tibetan All-Over-Print T-Shirts