"The Last King" is a drawing created by the Austrian artist Alfred Kubin. Kubin was a prominent artist and printmaker in the late 19th and early 20th century, known for his dark and fantastical illustrations and prints. His work is often characterized by a sense of mystery and the occult, and it has been associated with the Symbolist and Art Nouveau movements.
This drawing, like much of Kubin's work, is steeped in symbolism and metaphor. The figure of the king represents the end of a ruling dynasty and the collapse of an entire system of government. The desolate and barren landscape suggests a sense of decay and the end of an era. The castle in the background represents the remnants of the past and the ruins of a once-great civilization.
You'll receive a framed, heavyweight, giclée, acid-free print that's created to last for generations.
• Handmade by expert picture framers
• Giclée, museum quality, acid-free paper
• Framed prints are delivered ready to hang
• Milled, high-quality wood with a satin finish
• Hanging hardware and acrylic front-protector is included
We specialize in digital recreations of vintage sacred and surreal art. Each work is a handmade digital restoration of the original image, not a pixellated copy of an Internet image that some other vendors may sell. We provide high-quality, clean digital restorations — true to the original — with great attention to detail.
Collections: Framed Art Prints