Aesop's renowned fable, "The Monkey and the Dolphin," tells the story of a monkey marooned on an island following a shipwreck. Spotting a dolphin in nearby waters, the monkey seeks assistance. The dolphin compassionately agrees to transport the monkey on its back, and return him to the mainland.
During their journey, the monkey taunts the dolphin for its inability to navigate on land. Offended, the dolphin plunges into the depths of the sea. Struggling to swim, the monkey cries out for help, but the dolphin refuses, highlighting the monkey's ingratitude. The moral of the story is the importance of gratitude for acts of kindness.
You'll receive a heavyweight, giclée, acid-free print that's created to last for generations. The museum-quality paper works perfectly with large, full-color images. The lightly-textured, matte finish captures fine lines and subtle colors, resulting in stunning works of art (without unwanted reflections). We've preserved elements of this art's ancient qualities in order to retain its richness and uniqueness.
• Printed using eco-friendly, water-based inks
• FSC approved or sustainably-sourced paper
• Frame and matting isn't included. Print only.
• Shipped in a damage-proof artwork tube.
• Premium-quality (200gsm) giclée, acid-free paper
We specialize in digital recreations of vintage sacred and surreal art. Each work is a handmade digital restoration of the original image, not a pixellated copy of an Internet image that some other vendors may sell. We provide high-quality, clean digital restorations — true to the original — with great attention to detail.
Collections: European Giclée Fine Art Prints, Giclée Fine Art Prints