Hanuman is a revered figure in Hindu mythology, playing a central role in the epic tale of the Ramayana. The story revolves around Prince Rama's quest to rescue his wife Sita from the clutches of the evil demon king, Ravana. Hanuman, as a devoted servant of Rama, employs his exceptional strength and cunning to aid in the rescue and defeat of Ravana.
Not only is Hanuman recognized for his bravery and strength, but also for his unwavering loyalty and devotion to Rama. When questioned about the whereabouts of Rama and Sita, Hanuman famously replied, "They reside within my heart." This declaration symbolizes the depth of Hanuman's devotion to Rama and his readiness to make any sacrifice for his lord.
This giclée, acid-free print comes ready to hang with its own hand-crafted, solid-wood hangers. Discrete magnetic fasteners to keep your print secure. It's an elegant and contemporary way to showcase your art. Prints use eco-friendly, water-based inks.
• Each hanging kit contains four wooden strips with color coordinated cords
• Magnetic fasteners hold your print in place without tearing or marking
• Museum-quality Enhanced Matte Art (EMA) paper is beautiful and strong
• The lightly-textured, matte finish captures fine lines and subtle colors
Collections: Thangka Hanging Art Prints