"Snake and Melon" is an antique Japanese Ukiyo-e woodblock print created by Totoya Hokkei. Ukiyo-e, meaning "pictures of the floating world," is a genre of art that emerged in Japan during the Edo period (1603-1868). This print depicts a coiled snake, its head raised and tongue flicking out, alongside a large, ripe melon.
The imagery of snake and melon may have symbolic meaning. The snake is seen as a symbol of wisdom and longevity while the melon is a symbol of fertility and abundance in japanese culture. This print is a beautiful example of the traditional art form and a valuable piece of Japanese cultural history.
You'll receive a framed, heavyweight, giclée, acid-free print that's created to last for generations.
• Handmade by expert picture framers
• Giclée, museum quality, acid-free paper
• Framed prints are delivered ready to hang
• Milled, high-quality wood with a satin finish
• Hanging hardware and acrylic front-protector is included
We specialize in digital recreations of vintage sacred and surreal art. Each work is a handmade digital restoration of the original image, not a pixellated copy of an Internet image that some other vendors may sell. We provide high-quality, clean digital restorations — true to the original — with great attention to detail.
Collections: Framed Art Prints