"Miyamoto Musashi Fighting a Crocodile" is a woodblock print created by the Japanese artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi. It is part of the series "A Suikoden of Japanese Heroes." The print depicts the legendary swordsman Miyamoto Musashi battling a crocodile, which is a legendary event in Japanese folklore. The print shows Musashi with his signature two swords, one in each hand, as he fights the giant reptile.
This print highlights Kuniyoshi's mastery of the ukiyo-e style, which was a popular form of woodblock printing in Japan during the Edo period. The artist's use of bold lines, vivid colors, and intricate details make the scene come to life and give a sense of the excitement of the moment. The image also showcases Musashi's strength and skill as a swordsman, which was a central part of his legacy.
This giclée, acid-free print comes ready to hang with its own hand-crafted, solid-wood hangers. Discrete magnetic fasteners to keep your print secure. It's an elegant and contemporary way to showcase your art. Prints use eco-friendly, water-based inks.
• Each hanging kit contains four wooden strips with color coordinated cords
• Magnetic fasteners hold your print in place without tearing or marking
• Museum-quality Enhanced Matte Art (EMA) paper is both beautiful and strong
• The lightly-textured, matte finish captures fine lines and subtle colors