The flower of life is a symbol that is often associated with Metatron's Cube. It is a geometric pattern that is made up of overlapping circles, and it is believed to contain ancient, sacred knowledge. Some people believe that the flower of life has the power to connect us to the divine, and that it can help us to tap into our full potential as human beings.
Many people find that meditating with the flower of life can be a powerful way to connect with their higher selves and to find inner peace and balance. Whether you are seeking spiritual growth, healing, or personal transformation, the flower of life is a powerful symbol that can help you to achieve your goals.
This unisex essential tee fits like a beloved favorite. Each panel is individually printed, cut, and sewn to ensure a flawless graphic. Featuring a cotton feel, and high-definition printing that won't fade after washing.
• Exclusive flower of life t shirt
• Cut-and-sewn for a perfect print
• Premium-quality jersey: 190gsm
• High definition printing that lasts
• Seed of life clothing
We're doing our part to reduce plastic bottles in landfills, ocean contamination, and air pollution. Recycled micropoly materials reduce the use of petroleum, CO2 emissions and freshwater consumption by up to 30%.
Collections: All-Over-Print T-Shirts, Modern All-Over-Print T-Shirts